Hello fellow travelers of the web!

You've come across my little homebase!

Link to the directory page: DIRECTORY.



I'm hoping to make myself a nice little slice of the web to call home
and to maybe intrigue some folks with stuff I write about.

I've always enjoyed writing and to a lesser degree, programming as well.
I've only ever made some text based games and coded for Uni, but otherwise...

Now, I'm here to set up my website and maybe one day write a book, make music,
create art in any way I see fit.





About Me:

I'm a late 90's baby who enjoys computers, technology, animals, video and board games, all sorts of music
(Stuck on some DJ mixes at the moment!)

I honestly am a massive fan of PC gaming. I love Steam, I love emulating games, I love modding games and playing them just the way I like.

I've been doing a lot of Fortnite up with my sister and her boyfriend. It's nice as something that is super accessible and free to play.

Other than that, I am hugely into all of the 3D Fallout games. I intend on trying the first two out but I am a sucker for the 3D games

for sure. I've been playing modded New Vegas and a ton of Fallout 4 with a workshop spawner and build and scrap everything mod installed

so that I can make settlements anywhere as I love love love building and creating stuff in games whenever I can.

If you want to get in touch, I know I should have a dedicated Contact Me page rn but for the time being reach out to me at whatsfordinner62@gmail.com !!!



This is my boyfriend:

Random list of stuff to do:

(Keeping this because it may be useful to you!) To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!